Fan Fiction
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Fan Fiction


What You Will Find

The fan fiction archived here is Lucius/Narcissa centric or where they are among the main characters of the fic (some exceptions may be made and is at the discretion of the Webmistress). The relationship of Lucius/Narcissa as presented incorporates the basic ideology that they have a reasonably healthy relationship where Lucius is not abusive to his wife and Narcissa is not a weakling -- monogamy is, of course, optional.

The stories are all genres, and all ratings with no limitations concerning content (incest, chan, BDSM, fetish, violence etc. is all permissible). The only other stipulation is that it is well written (again, some exceptions may be made and is at the discretion of the Webmistress). Yes, that is elitist and bound to garner bad feelings, but that's the way it is. One could argue that with such limited writings concerning this pairing, one should not be so choosy. However, like the Malfoys themselves, only the best will do (or close to it).

Is Something Not Here That Should Be?

If you have written or have come across a fic that deserves to be archived here, please visit the Submission page. It would be lovely to have more written works here.

How The Fic Is Organized

Fan fic is listed alphabetically by author below. If there are any broken links or errors, please report them by sending an e-mail. Thank you.

The most recent additions have been marked with -NEW- and the most recent updates have been marked with -UPDATED-. You may also wish to visit the Updates page for more detail.


Please remember that authors do enjoy receiving feedback. If you read something that affects you, send them even a brief e-mail expressing your feelings.


The fan fiction and artwork archived on Blond & Blonde consist of characters created and owned by but not limited to J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, and Warner Bros. Inc.. No permission has been given, no money is being made, and therefore no infringement is intended.

Beyond the aforementioned understood ownership, each author and artist retains the copyrights of their own work. Please contact each author or artist personally if you wish to archive their work.

Web design and layout are © Xandria 2003

Artwork not on individual author and artist pages are © Kashuarashi 2003

Fic By Author

Abaddon's Data

E-mail: Abaddon @ angelsabyss . net


Bio: Abaddon is a twenty something gay male, with far too many neuroses. These have in turn led him to write HP slash and het fic over the past two years, and as he's an English/History co-major, he assures any potential reader that his fic is therefore overly pretentious and verbose.

Abaddon's Fic

Into The Woods, Act One: Introduction (bohemian rhapsody) - Moments 1-12 - Moments 13-24 - Moments 14-36 -
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: R
Genre: drama, angst, mystery, romance
Warnings: extreme violence, chan, incest, character death): Emotional brutality, violence, and character deaths.
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa): Lucius/Severus, Lucius/James, Remus/Sirius.
Author's notes: Thanks to everyone who helped out with early drafts of this, and Bridget for the beta job, and Rhoddlet for inspiration.
Summary: "The past is almost a living thing. It writhes around each of us, tormenting us with the 'what ifs' and maybes, destroying our hopes with our past failures as much as it celebrates our victories. None of us can ever be free of it, not entirely, and because of it, nothing is certain." A series of 'moments' set between 1950 and 1981, each depicting a moment in the past that continues to haunt us all. Tom, Lily, James, Narcissa, Severus, Lucius, Remus, Sirius and Peter all become caught in the fixed tragedy of what must happen. Act One of 'Into the Woods'.
SPECIAL NOTE FROM THE WEBMISTRESS: This incredible story is not yet over. This is only a teaser (well, it teased me) -- Act One of Five. If you enjoyed this, please go to Abaddon's site and read the other fics in this series (Into The Woods). You won't regret it! Some are in progress, so check his site often.

AJ Hall's Data

E-mail: ajhall @ shoesforindustry . net


Bio: A.J. Hall is resident in Greater Manchester, which was once, before the infamous depredations of the 1974 Local Government Acts, rightfully part of the County Palatine of Lancashire. Hall was educated at one of the older Universities of this kingdom, and encountered sufficient like-minded nutters there to use as case-studies so as to argue convincingly against compulsory committal ever since (though luck on this point may be starting to run out). Other fanfics include Ships That Pass (available on-line at in the HP fandom. Besides writing, Hall's hobbies include sailing obsessively around the Irish Sea and Western Scotland, drinking and arguing about trivialities endlessly in various on-line forums. Hall'smost significant SF fandom moment was possibly meeting Terry Pratchett in the kitchen at a party in Purley in the late 1980s, though it is fair to say that a friend who was also at the party recalls the host telling her that Terry Pratchett had been unavoidably prevented from attending.

AJ Hall's Fic

Queer As Scent
Disclaimer: This story is set in the world created by, and using characters the copyright of, JK Rowling. No money is being made nor infringement of rights intended by this story.
Summary: Early married life traditionally has its fair share of surprises, and everyone - from the house elves to the Dark Lord - seems to have an opinion about what would be best for the as-yet-unborn heir to the Manor - irrespective of his mother's wishes in the matter. But nausea, an infestation of demons, the dinner party from Hell and even the intervention of the Uppercross and Cerne Vale Hunt aren't going to get between Narcissa and what she wants out of life. And she's just about to meet someone with an even stronger survival instinct - A shaggy fox story for Christmas.

Gwendolyn Grace's Data

E-mail: Gwendolyn grace @ yahoo. com


Bio: Gwendolyn Grace is a 30-something author with an undergraduate degree in theatre, a master’s degree in business, and a day job. She is a founding author and moderator at FictionAlley, a sometime-List Elf at Harry Potter for Grownups, and a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. She is also Minister of Magic for Nimbus - 2003: a Harry Potter Symposium.

Gwendolyn Grace's Fic

The Waking Dragon
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General
Author's notes: This story was originally written for a “Tom Felton Birthday Challenge” on FictionAlley, on September 20, 2001. It fits into my private HP universe, which includes consistent details found in “His Majesty’s Secret Service,” certain details in “Between the Lines,” and an upcoming story examining Lucius’s adult life, from his final year at Hogwarts through the immediate aftermath of Halloween, 1981.
Summary: Lucius learns about his pending fatherhood; Narcissa waits for her pregnancy to end; the joyous day arrives and Lucius lays eyes for the first time on his son.

Kashuarashi's Data

E-mail: kashuarashi @ gundamwing . net


Bio: Hn. Mini-bio. I never do *anything* mini! Except maybe ficlets. It's part of my insanity. And, despite what my father tells me, I *am* insane. I'm a born and bred Pac. North Westerner, can understand a 'drizzle with light showers' forcast and all, and hope to never leave the dreariness of Seattle. The furthest I've gone is to the other side of the state where it's snowy then HOT and it sucks. >.< I like cats. A LOT. Also snakes. I wish I could have one of both in my dorm room, but such is not allowed. *sigh* Ah well, you don't *really* want to read about me here, do you? I didn't think so. Ja mata!

Kashuarashi's Fic

Disclaimer: All obvious HP characters and concepts are property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Will Lucius be bested by a former classmate again?

Ker's Data

E-mail: ravensnape @ potter . org


Bio: Umm… I am a Slytherin Fic writer…and a L/N shipper .

Ker's Fic

-UPDATED-Can You Really find Love Again? - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 -
Disclaimer: The only thing that is mine is the storylines everything else belongs to JK Rowling and others who own Harry Potter .
Rating: PG-13/R
Genre: Angst/Romance
Warnings: Grave injury/ Death of a child
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa): Draco.
Author's notes: I wanted to write a Fic where Lucius was not a complete prat. So this is what I came up with.
Summary: After Narcissa is serious hurt in an accident can she and Lucius find their way back to one another, or have the years embittered this once very much in love couple.

LadyJackyl's Data



Bio: I have been writing fan fiction for about three years, but have only been involved in the Harry Potter fandom since about November of 2002.

LadyJackyl's Fic

Stronger Than Justice
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and are not meant to reflect anything true or real about how she orignally wrote them--it's just made up stuff by me.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Angst
Warnings: Some violence and disturbing themes
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa): Draco.
Author's notes: Takes place sometime in the future, when Draco is 17 and Voldemort has been defeated.
Summary: Lucius has to pay for his crimes--but his family are the ones who have to suffer.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and are not meant to reflect anything true or real about how she orignally wrote them--it's just made up stuff by me.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Dark humor, PWP
Warnings: m/m sex (sorta), m/f sex (sorta), adultrey
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa): Snape/Lucius (sorta).
Author's notes: This story is very hard to explain...I call it hetslash!
Summary: When Narcissa finds Lucius is cheating on her, she vows to get revenge.

Libertine's Data

E-mail: emaillibertine @ yahoo. co. uk


Bio: Er. I write fanfic and am a Lucius/Narcissa shipper...

Libertine's Fic

Gorge - Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 -
Disclaimer: All characters and places belong to JKRowling and Warner Bros, I make no money from this.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Violence, Sex
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa): Lucius/Severus.
Author's notes: More deviations from canon than I would have liked, but hey.
Summary: Lucius Malfoy during the time of the Death Eaters, 1979-1982.

MudbloodJailbait's Data

E-mail: darlinggrrrl @ hotmail. com


MudbloodJailbait's Fic

Hell Hath No Fury...
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Character study
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa): Lucius/Other.
Summary: Knowledge of her husband's infidelity preys on Narcissa through her pregnancy, and she plans her revenge.

Rochelle's Data

E-mail: goddess @ yaoigoddess . com


Rochelle's Fic

-NEW-Like Love, Only Real - Prologue-Chapter 4 - Chapter 5-9 - Chapter 10-Epilogue

Disclaimer: All hail J.K. Rowling, hers, not mine, etc.
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Romance
Summary: We've all seen the scenario of Lucius and Narcissa having an arranged marriage. Said scenario usually ends in misery, at least for poor, mistreated Narcissa. But what if, instead, it led to true love for two people who might never have gotten together otherwise? That's what happens here. Along the way, you'll also watch Narcissa go from being a naive young girl whose only sexual and romantic education comes from cheesy romance novels to being a poised, strong young woman who is capable of holding her own as Lucius Malfoy's wife.

Rube's Data

E-mail: rube @ vitreoushumour . com


Rube's Fic

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters created by J.K. Rowling. This is purely for fun and I don't seek, claim or get anything remotely resembling profit from the use of them.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama/Angst, Romance
Summary: This is in response to Altricial's "Slasher's Do Het" challenge and I - obviously - picked Lucius/Narcissa, because I figured it'd be the easiest pairing on the board. It wasn't. It was really, really difficult, and I can't decide if that's because this is het or because it's just difficult. Probably a little of both.

Also, the dedication is to Erin/durendal, because I don't think I've ever dedicated one thing I've written to her, and that's just not right. She deserves it.

Lucius wanted to see her eyes wide with a delicate curiosity that he could split in half and change to fear, if he wanted to. Whether he wanted to or not was not the challenge, but instead the solution - Lucius would have her fear if he wasn't too fearful to have it.

Sqeakyclean's Data

E-mail: sqeakyclean42 @ yahoo . co . uk


Sqeakyclean's Fic

Disclaimer: This piece of writing is based on characters and situations from the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, and do not belong to the writer. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: R

Starkiller's Data

E-mail: starkiller @ iprimus . com . au

Starkiller's Fic

The Killing Game
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the HP universe or characters, nor do I pretend to. No money is made; this is entirely a work of fiction and not for profit.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Violence, Sex
Summary: She likes it when he kills for her.

Titti's Data

E-mail: titti_adriano @ hotmail . com


Titti's Fic

-NEW-Family Man
Disclaimer: Not me but JK Rowling.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Het and Slash sex, BDSM, non-con. Don’t like it, don’t read it
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa): Lucius/Severus, Narcissa/Severus.
Summary: Severus, Narcissa, Lucius and sex.

Xandria's Data

E-mail: xandria @ akasa. bc. ca


Bio: Xandria runs her own business and distracts herself with reading and writing Harry Potter fan fiction (slash and het). Some of her favourite things are: LEGO, absinthe, all things dark, and sexuality. It has been quoted by several of those who are acquainted with Xandria that she is a "snob of considerable magnitude", and this is reflected in her fic tastes. She has no sense of humour that she is aware of and loses friends at the drop of a hat for her acerbic attitude.

Xandria's Fic

-NEW-Warmth of Heart
Disclaimer: All obvious HP characters and concepts are property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Author's notes: This is just a vignette -- a little scene that popped in my head this morning. Just a little character exploration.
Summary: Lucius/Narcissa. Post OoTP. Narcissa visits Lucius in Azkaban.

Duty To The Family - Part I -
Disclaimer: All obvious HP characters and concepts are property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
Author's notes: A First Kiss Scenario (I learned about the The First Kiss Project too late, but was inspired to write this as a result of learning about it) that has developed into a WIP. There will be three parts.
Summary: Childhood friends, Lucius and Narcissa, learn about familial obligations on her 13th birthday, and experience their first kiss.

Discoveries & Concessions
Disclaimer: All obvious HP characters and concepts are property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Slash inferences
Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa):Lucius/various implied
Author's notes: Inspired by the Role Play Game "Hogwarts Online's" Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy.
Summary: Before marrying Lucius, Narcissa developed a predilection for watching Lucius with his other lovers. Het with slash inferences.

Happy Valentine's Day, Darling
Disclaimer: All obvious HP characters and concepts are property of their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humour, Romance (Malfoy style)
Warnings: Mild house elf abuse
Author's notes: Just a vignette to show that evil and romance can go hand in hand -- if you're a Malfoy. And thanks to Bonibaru for her de-purpling skills and Kashuarashi for her most helpful polishing touch.
Summary: Lucius and Narcissa exchange Valentine's Day gifts.

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