04/25/07 - Holy rape and romance, Batman! I managed to get all of the
fanfiction coded and uploaded! There are sixteen new (or at least not previously posted) pieces of fiction over there! SIXTEEN! It's been a productive year, peeps, yes it has! Now let's hope I can get myself to update again before another year goes by.
04/25/07 - ...*picks up broom* *sweeps out crickets* *coughs* Well. The last three updates I worked on...didn't happen, for one reason or another. Some of this had to do with Real Life. 2006 and 2007 has seen the first death in my immediate family, a major move, and a job change. It's also seen me cycle through a ton of new fandoms. So, for the moment, I'm going to get the May theme of the month up. I'd say it's early, but it's actually hella late. I will also promise an update in the near future, and by update, I mean "Woah, the HELL where did all of THAT come from?" We'll have three new fiction sections coming up, some of which have a fair amount of fiction to go in them. Also, I've decide to start dating my pieces, so that people can see how far I've come since 1999 when I started writing the work seen here. Behold the power of a writing degree. *cough* Not that it will all be shiny, mind, but it's at least better. SO! Something to look forward to! In the meantime, enjoy the
theme of the month.
03/01/06 - Well, the BIG news this time around is two new pieces of Final Fantasy
fanfiction! And before I hear you say "Only two? Big whoop!", one of them is 22 pages long and I've been working on it since January. Technically it's the first FFVII pieces I started, so there. And since there IS more to FFVII than Vincent Valentine (yes, I know, shocking but true), this month's
theme is FFVII random characters. And yes, this includes everyone's favorite piss ant jockey. ^~ There will likely be another mini-update sometime this month that I may or may not list here, so keep an eye out!
02/01/06 - Hmmm, apparently I forgot to update this section back in December. Ah well. As you may have noticed, there was NO update last month. This is because the server went KA-BOOM! near the first, once they got it back up I couldn't connect to it, and I was lazy so it took me most of the month to get it back up and running. Yeah, yeah, I suck. This means you get a NICE big update this month, with lots of new
fanfiction! There's Phantom of the Opera, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, and a new section (that so far only has one fic in it, but I have three more in the works, I swear!) Final Fantasy VII! And speaking of FF VII, this month's
theme is Vincent Valentine. And this month's theme includes a couple of links to artist's sites, so make sure to click 'em!
11/04/05 - I changed the
theme of the month! Okay, it wasn't quite on the first, but it was close! More fiction should be coming eventually...if I ever manage to finish something...
10/09/05 - Well, last month kind of sucked. I had no life, right up until I was fired, and then I was too busy celebrating the return of my life (and getting things set up with JoAnn Etc. to go back), to update. SO! About, oh, a month late, we have updates. There's a new section in
fanfiction dedicated to Animal Crossing. This will house fics written by both myself and my roommate, so if you see something that says "Written by Mayura Nacht," don't be surprised. Also added one new YnM fic, one HP fic, and another Furuba short. Next update should feature at least a couple of PotO fics that I was too lazy to edit/code this time around. Second up, we have the first change to the
theme of the month section, or, as it's shaping up, the theme of the every other month section. This month's victem is Shigure Sohma! ...what? Halloween? Why would I do that when I have an even SCARIER subject? Still trying to get the Stables back up and running, but honestly, I've had neither the time nor the sanity. I think I'm going to have to redo the entire way THAT page goes together...*shudders*
08/13/05 - Holy tendonitis, Batman! The redecorating bug hit and BOOM! Hours later, a massively updated site! I'm...really kind of boggled by the suddeness of it all. Anyway, UPDATES! There is more new
fanfiction! More
links! Nothing new to the Tomoshrine, but the bookmarks, backgrounds, and icons have all been axed in order to bring you the brand new
theme of the month section! And I completely redid my
about me blurb! So, browse around, see what's new, and I'm...going to go ice my wrist. Oi. The Stables are going to be down for awhile, me thinks...
08/11/05 - BEHOLD! I update! Yeesh. It's been a very busy last few months...moved, have a new job, etc. However, I also have quite a bit of new
fanfiction. This update it's eight new Harry Potter pieces. I'll have more later. Also, have a new HP link up in the
links section. At some point, I'll probably be taking down the entire site for a massive overhaul, but I don't know when that will be...
02/20/05 - Well, a belated Happy New Year! I'd like to say that the late update was due to work or something productive, but mainly it was due to brain deadness and not even stopping to think "Hey, I should update that thing!" Needless to say, '05's off to an interesting start. I'll be very happy when Febuary's over. Until then, we have scads of new
fanfiction in the form of new Yami no Matsuei drabbles
and a brand new Fruits Basket section with two new stories in it! I joined the 30_lemons LJ community which means there will be quite a bit of new Furuba stuff in upcoming months (all of it *gasp* YURI!) and eventually there will be a Phantom of the Opera section. Yes, I've gone back to tormenting my first true love. Pity the man. >} Now I just need to think up some art for that section... Oh, and I took down ALL of the M/M content warnings as I was being hopelessly inconsistant with them. You guys are here, you know the characters, you can figure out what to expect. I trust you. ...oh stop laughing.
12/8/04 - The day before Thanksgiving, I totalled my car. If it weren't for that, this update would be at least two drabbles bigger. As it is
fanfiction has seven new Yami no Matsuei drabbles, not including the new drabble/short-short novel that "Toys" turned into. I'm currently working on chapter two and some of the later chapters. I'm thinking there will be about four...
11/15/04 - Well, over a month later the sale season isn't even in full swing yet and still I'm feeling continually drained. Me thinks my summer vacation wasn't long enough. Heck, who'm I fooling? Me thinks I need to find a rich woman to marry, move to Canada, and never have to worry about retail again. On the bright side, I do still like my job. To prove it, I have updates! Okay, that doesn't prove a thing. Still, updates are updates, and the
fiction page has been well stocked with new YnM drabbles, a FURUBA fic I wrote this summer and, for some reason, didn't get posted, and this year's Gundam Legend entry. Feel fear.
09/23/04 - Contrary to what you might have been ready to believe, I'm not dead. I am, on the other hand, employed, and we're heading into the infamous Holiday Season, and when you work in JoAnn Etc., Halloween is part of the Holiday Season. Most of my free time is going to be channeled in to My Little Pony customs for selling and gifts, making gifts, working, and trying to get a paper written for submission to an HP convention. As I'm going to be competeing with actual published professors, it will have to be REALLY good! So. Yeah. Be prepared for the quiet to continue. I do, however, have an actual update for you. I've recently joined the Fuda 100 community on LJ, a Yami no Matsuei drabble community. Of course, as I've just learned (as in "a few hours ago") that people are misusing "drabble" when they use it as a synonym for "short-short," it does mean EXACTLY 100 words, and there's a possibility of it being enforced, I might drop it again just as shortly (I don't do high form structure. It has a nasty tendency to put the form above the actual tone of the piece and I can't do that). We'll wait and jump off that bridge when we get to it. In the meantime, I've gotten several YnM short shorts and so added a YnM section to the
fiction page. All of these were 100 or less originally, but I've posted the original, longer versions of some as I like them better. ^^; Also posted a new HP short.
04/27/04 - ARGH! Missed the anniversary of the site updating! Okay, that was partially because I was busy (I will HOPEFULLY be graduating this quarter!) and partially because our old server was being a )@#(*@)#. As you might have noticed, we've changed servers. To celebrate, there are two new short pieces in the
fiction section! More coming as I find the time. I need 50 pages of publishable quality original work by the end of the quarter though, so don't hold your breath.
02/05/04 - Well, submissions for the campus literary magazine are due tomorrow, so more fiction and some poetry are coming down. All submissions must be "never before published," so I'm doing the next best thing and erasing all trace of publication. =P The pieces that are rejected will go back up.
01/25/04 - I WIN! Finally convinced my Muses to hack out the next scene of "And Never the Two" so it and a couple of other shorts (once completely new) can be found in
fiction! Many thanks to the people who have been waitin patiently for that. The only major problem now is the fact I have NO CLUE where ANtT goes from here! >< (Well, okay, I know where it goed
eventually. Have the ending all planned out. It's what comes between here and there that's the problem...)
01/24/04 - Well, didn't get EVERYTHING I wanted done, however there are now four more new pieces of
fiction including a new W.I.P., ther prologue to "And Never the TWo" (trying to get the next scene out, I promise), and the long awaited (and much nagged about) next part of "D is for Duo". Also chopped the
backgrounds section from 10 pages to 6. Might do more chopping later, we'll see. Still contemplating killing the Icons section, as I don't think anyone really uses them...
01/23/04 - Another year, another look for the site. Yes, it's time for the annual site overhaul. Welcomed to installation number one. You'll find that most of the pages have had a look makeover. Also, I added several new Harry Potter pieces to the
fiction page and removed one of my original pieces for personal reasons, namely I might try to publish it. One of the other pieces might go from that section for similar reasons. My plans for the next installation include: gutting the
backgrounds section, possibly axing the
Live Journal icons section, general glitch shooting, and hopefully getting more stories up. Updates will be slow due to my tendonitis.
Request: When I was recoding stories, I found several with screwy coding and one that was half missing! If you come across a piece of fiction (or anything else) that's coded wrong, please tell me so I can fix it! Arigatou!
10/26/03 - Dinky update. There's a new picture for the Gundam Wing section - the cover for D is for Duo! In other news, the school's server has been a right pain about letting me upload things to the site, so if updates start getting to be even slower than normal, don't be surprised.
09/19/03 - WELL! This is only, what, a month over due? >< This is what I get for forgetting to make a back up CD before coming home for vacation. Would have hooked Lucifer up and grabbed them, but my time was being eaten up by a new hobby, pictures of which will soon be eating up more page space. *innocent whistle* Added four new Harry Potter pieces and one Misc. peice to the
fiction page. Also made a little gif for updates W.I.P.s as I finally updated (and slightly revised) "And Never the Two". It's a little update - only one scene, but I hope to have the next scene shortly. Removed one link as the site changed owners, changed purpose and, while I might support it if I liked the new owner...I don't. Not even a little. Have determined I need a guest book and counter quite badly...
07/20/03 - Added eight
backgrounds. Am now a year older! Still have no clue what to make of my problematic links page! *grumble*
06/28/03 - *sigh* Got the mail/link thingy figured out at least...
06/28/03 - Well, anyone who's tried to use the "direct links" to my e-mail will have figured out that, for some reason, they aren't working and I can't get them to. If you've tried to e-mail me, you probably got something saying that I'd mysteriously violated the account's user agreement (read, someone probably used MY name to send a virus or some such) and it no longer works. For this reason, I've changed e-mail addies. Also discovered that half of my
links page isn't working for some odd reason. Fortunately, there is ONE thing going correctly for me this update, and that is a lovely new page for the Reach Out and Smite Someone contest on the
fiction page. That's it though. I'll tell you when I have the other bugs worked out.
05/04/03 - Added 16
backgrounds. Yes, I'm nuts. Fortunately, I decided that even two pages was two few, and have broken it up so there's now 10 background per page, currently 10 pages. Broke the bookmark page up too. This makes it so that there's no objectionable material on the first page. *innocent whistle* Also, decided to make it a bit easier for people to contact me and put up actual links to my e-mail. We'll see if I actually get comments now, or if I just get more spam and regret that move.
05/02/03 - Added 20
backgrounds. For sanity sake, made a second page. Also, added an essay, two Harry Potter pieces and an original ficlet to
Fiction. Finally, added one
link and updated another, as HPOnline is now Wizarding World (although the imageis the same because she doesn't have a new one I like yet ^^;).
04/24/03 - Added 22
bookmarks, and did some playing with the layout on that page. What can I say, I learned how to make little pop-up text boxes and went to town. ^^; Actually, I've stuck them just about everywhere... Also updated a few favorites.
04/01/03 - One full year from the first official update, and we're still around! In celebration of the fact, I added three new
backgrounds and a new page! For booklovers everywhere, I've added a page of
bookmarks that you can print out and use! They're fun to make. And last but not make, I added a new
03/30/03 - Added five new
backgrounds. Instead of being at the end, they're shuffled in where they'll be the most aesthetically pleasing. Also, added three Gundam Wing short shorts to
Fiction. Yes, you read right - Gundam Wing!
03/20/03 - Finals are over! Joy! That and I've just figured out exactly how
easy it is to update this new site. *_* I am in
heaven To celebrate, there are thirteen new
backgrounds. Again, they're variations on a theme. And for the curious - a godseye is something you make by weaving yarn around two sticks in the shape of a cross. I made a lot of them as a child. Whether you're Christian or not, they're pretty little trinkets and suited to those new backgrounds. Also, the circles are old symbols for the various elements. On a less cheerful note, there's a new essay in
03/19/03 - Well, in case you hadn't noticed, we've moved! Xandria and her husband were kind enough to offer Pern and I server space at a
really good price, so we jumped like bunnies. Fixed the
links page. At least, I think I got everything. And finally, the number of
backgrounds has gone from 6 to 31. Yes, I've been busy; of course, most of those are variations on one theme, but oh well. ^_^
03/16/03 - A good number of changes this time around! Added two of my old GW stories and three new HP short shorts to
Fiction. Also updated the formating on "Observations on Draco Malfoy" so that it's a bit more legible. Added a page of
website backgrounds. And last, but certainly not least, the wunniferous Xandria has agreed to host all of the HP relationship banners, so that now you only have to request them if I don't have the pairing you want! Isn't she wonderful? Still haven't fixed the links page...will get that done, I promise.
02/28/03 - Still fighting with my tendonitis. Have seen doctor, will see physical therapist, etc. In the meantime: finished page look redesign with a little help from Xandria who gave me the code for the cells. Have been redoing the
banners. The Yuri ones still need redoing, but the others are now all bright and shiny and...well...legible. There's a new Harry Potter ficklet up in
Fiction and a few new
links, although I accidentally lost a couple when I was updating. I'll fix that later, right now it's late and I'm tired, so have a good night all!
01/30/03 - Well, my tendonitis flared up, so I'm still not done with the color scheme redo from last time, but oh well! It happens. I mainly have stories to redo anyway. Not much done today, simply added nine new
icons, but they're
pretty new icons, so there. ^~
01/14/03 - First update of the new year and it's a doozy! You might have noticed the shiny new page of legalease you have to go through to get here? That's because while J.K.R.'s lawyers don't have a problem with fanfiction in general, they have a problem with "sexually explicit material" being up on the web where minors can get at it because warnings aren't discouraging enough. I'm considering adding a javascript button to that mess, just to really get my point across. Yes, I'm paranoid. Sue me. Since I was adding the TOS page anyway, I decided to completely redo my pages color scheme. Hope you like it. Only actual addition (outside of the TOS) is the nice, non-sexually-explicit HP fic in Fiction.
11/03/02 - Massive update! Well, at least by comparison. I changed the picture of me to a highly modified shot of me in my Tomo costume. There are three new poems, three stories, the first scene of a new ongoing angst epic, and three new section images in Fiction, plus a slight modification to "Observations on Draco Malfoy". And, as you probably noticed when you came in, presuming you came in the front door, I've added a page of Live Journal icons I've made. Oh yeah, and I finally have a little .gif to note new stuff, and I put up my "Have you hugged your Potions Master today?" sticker, 'cause it was cute.
09/23/02 - Back from vacation, so it's time for a tiny update! Added the Harry Potter relationship banners request page. Don't think it'll get many hits, but hey, that's probably a good thing. ^^; Also, there've been new Muse pictures in the info section for awhile now, I just forgot to mention them here.
07/04/02 - It's a bit early, but I updated the info section to reflect the fact my birthday's Monday. Also, added what I have so far of "And Never the Two" and a three poems to Fiction. Decided "Psychosis" worked better in the Essays section than Original.
05/29/02 - Added an Essay section to Fiction. There is one essay-ish thing there.
05/15/02 - This is actually a conglomeration of little updates, but GeoCities and Earthlink have both been having issues, so. One new original snippet, three new 'section' graphics, and a new format featuring in-page anchors can be found in Fiction. Furthermore, I finally have a Links Page worth mentioning. Still have a bunch of things I want to put in there, but it's a heck of a lot better than it was! ^^; Now you can learn more about the psycho people who help inspire me (although odds are good that, if you know this page exists, you're amongst them. ^~) And that, as they say, is all for now!
04/01/02 - Boy what a day for the first official update, ne? Still, it's real. Not big, but real. First off, got me a Live Journal and stuck it on the 'About Me' page. Then I added a couple of Harry Potter fic bits to Fiction. If I'm luck I'll actually be able to add some links to my excessively pathetic links page, but my connection was being obnoxious beyond belief earlier, so don't hold your breath. ^^;
That's all for now.