Welcome to the art section! Here you may gaze on the glory that is Tomo!
DISCLAIMER: Fushigi Yuugi is copyright Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, and Pioneer entertainment. Probably a few other people I've forgotten. No infringment or disrespect is intended by any of it.
Please do not display any of this art on your site without asking first. If you do, I'll have to subject you to the feathers - and not in a good way. Thank you.
The two little dolls from the front page. I made these using Lola's "Boy Be" base
BABY TOMO! For some reason he's easier to draw as a small fry.
Scans from the original manga that I coloured a few years back. I added make up to the one as a cry against everyone who says Tomo's only sexy without the makeup. Hypocrits! And they call themselves Tomo fans!
A picture of me at Sakura Con 2002, taken by a friend of mine. The costume was made by Faerie Fingers