Name: Gale M. W.
Age: 26
Gender: Male or Female
Height: Roughly 5'8"
Weight: Light
Hair: Brown, red highlights, dark at tips due to dye accident.
Eyes: Blue gray
Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, music (singing, some piano, some guitar, some recorder), cross-dressing (yes, it's a hobby), pacing, messing with people's minds, My Little Pony customization.
Current theme song: N/A
Current favorite pissy music: Girl by Tori Amos
Current favorite angsty music: I need some sleep from the Shrek II soundtrack.
Favorite food: Impossible Quiche. Easy to make and yummy!
Favorite pigment: Black (for all you smart asses who'd tell me black's not a color)
Favorite book: 'Phantom' by Susan Kay tied with the original 'Phantom of the Opera'.
Favorite author: Don't make me smack you!
Live Journal: Arashi's Journal
I am me. I am artsy, crafty, completely nuts. You'd never know it if you met me at work as I work in a perfectly respectable environment with people who do a good job of looking perfectly respectable, even if we're all a little nuts. For the record, I love my job. I love my coworkers. I don't love the fact that, now that I've moved out 'on my own' (with a roommate), I now have to cook for myself, but such is life. I do like cooking though, so there's something.
A few notes: Despite observations made on my writing, I am not a heteraphobe (i.e. straight folk don't send me screaming) and I have nothing against older male relatives. Of course, I'm not what you'd call straight either, but that's a completely different story, as is the fact that gender and just about everything about it fascinate me.
Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask...if you do it nicely I might add the info to this blurb.
Online personae:
Name: Zephrine Magicshaper
Age: I lost track o.k.?
Gender: Female
Height: Roughly 5'8"
Weight: Light
Hair: Reddish brown, a touch lighter than mine
Eyes: Right blue gray, left royal blue
Zephrine is a vampire and the residual left overs of a very long story (which may one day be revived, revised and finished...I keep trying) and my early ventures into AOL RPG chat rooms. Currently she's in charge of my ICQ account and lobbying for a bigger role. Given that she has fangs and I don't, I'm doin' my best! >.<
Name: Moonshadow D'tarth
Age: 20ish?
Gender: N/A
Height: N/A (commonly tall)
Weight: N/A (commonly thin)
Hair: N/A (commonly long, dark)
Eyes: N/A (commonly amber)
In case you're wondering about all the N/As, Moonshadow (another victim of my love for Cat Stevens) is a genderless shape shifter. It, like Zephrine, was a result of my chatting experience. It has since then become my predominate artistic pseudonym, my presence on several mailing lists, and attained the status of Zechs no Seishi, which it refuses to relinquish. The common description (and probably whatever picture goes up) was created for Seishi-ing purposes. Given the site name, it'll probably wind up running this place too. ^^;
Name: Kashu Arashi*
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Someone feed the boy please?
Hair: White
Eyes: Pinkish (technically no pigment)
Arashi is the result of a picture (shown above) drawn back in...'98?...of which I'm still really proud. He quickly became my presence in a rather long (unfinished) Fushigi Yuugi fic and my writing pseudonym, although that is ever so slowly changing. Also my presence on several mailing lists, live journal, diviant art and co-runner of the pretty-much-dead Chain Game.
presented in Japanese grammar, family name first. Translates roughly into Storm Singer. Feel the pun-ishment.
Name: Ariel Tempest
Gender: Not Telling
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Decent
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue grey
My gender confused Harry Potter personae. Ariel took on the task of dealing with the big, open archives (,, etc.). (S)he is now effectively my main writing personae.
My personae run things, but the muses do the work. When they aren't on vacation. Which they frequently are. *sigh*
Name: Umiko
Age: Um? 20ish?
Height: about 5'5" I think
Weight: In case you can't tell, I suck at these. Let's go for 'well fed' and leave it at that.
Hair: White
Eyes: Purple
Umiko's the research nut of the trio. She's usually fairly bright, and perky but put a little pressure on her and she's pretty much all business. Can often be heard bemoaning the competence of her boyfriend, Sakurou.
Name: Sakurou
Age: A bit older than Umiko.
Height: 6'
Weight: Reasonable...has a bit of muscle there...
Hair: Teal
Eyes: Dark brown
Sakurou is, theoretically, the drive of the group. I should fire him. If he weren't dating both the others, providing some of my better sex scenes, and coming up with more ideas than Kagetsu, I probably would. As it is, he's a tolerable nuisance. 'Sides, how does one fire a figment of one's imagination?
Name: Kagetsu
Age: A month or so younger than Umiko
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Thin
Hair: Blackish purpleish
Eyes: Bright freakin' green
Kagetsu was supposed to be the ideas man. As it is, he's mostly the pretty factor. He's also the best at fleshing out Sakurou's dubious plotlines and characters.