This is my fiction page. The things here will come in two varieties: Original fiction(don't expect much) and Fanfiction. For those who don't know what fanfiction is, essentially it's stories written about other people's characters. This means that, at most, I can lay claim to the occasional original character and that's about it - every thing else belongs to someone else.
I think we've already covered my lack of funds. I mean no insult to anyone, no matter how sick, twisted, or generally screwy the fic. If I didn't like the original stories, I wouldn't write this stuff. If you're one of the original authors and you don't want people writing fanfiction, please write me and ask me to take my stuff down instead of simply suing me. Thank's muchly.
Also, a note on warnings. Some people like to be warned about every bad thing that happens in a piece right down to scuffs and bruises. Some people don't. Since I can't please everyone, I'm compromising - each piece will have be assigned a genre. I might add to these if I feel it necessary, but generally speaking it's up to you to know what a genre can contain and ascertain from that whether or not you want to read a piece. I'll tell you right now that "Romance" covers everything from sap to sex and "Horror" covers everything from rape and murder to vampires. If you want information on a particular piece, feel free to ask, the address is Comments and Constructive Criticism also welcome, especially for the older pieces. Flames will be used to keep my room warm.
Now that I've covered my rear...
W.I.P- Work In Progress
?x?- Sexual relationship
?+?-Intimate but not necessarily physical relationship
Essays |
Original |
Keys and Chains |
Fushigi Yuugi |
Gundam Wing |
Eroica |
Harry Potter |
Yami no Matsuei |
Fruits Basket |
Phantom of the Opera |
Animal Crossing |
Kingdom Hearts |
PI Adoptables |
W.I.P. Observations on Draco Malfoy
Genre: Essay/Ramble
Notes: This is likely to stay as a W.I.P. indefinitely as it will be updated and revised as I feel the need. Will possibly reach a conclusion at some point after the close of the seventh Harry Potter book.
A series of observations on the character of Draco Malfoy, written in response to several conversations I've held, rants I've listened to, etc.
My Parents are Going to Die:
Genre: Reflection
Warnings: Angst, political
Childhood memories on Desert Storm.
Dissecting the Fly:
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Vague grossness. If you have't read the poem, won't make sense.
An essay done in my Intro to Poetry class on Karl Shapiro's "The Fly." It amused me.
copyright me damnit!

Between the Sun and Moon:
Genre: Romance
Warning: Threesome, semi-twinsest
The first in a series I did about an original rock band, Greek Myth.
End of the Innocence:
Genre: Romance/Song fic.
Extra Warning: Reference to Child Abuse
A glimpse into the lives of Hermes and Eros.
Just Checking:
1999, revised 2004
Genre: Romance
Originally done for a Creative Writing class. What does it say when you start missing the person you live with?
copyright me damnit!
Blind Sight:
Key: Puppet Key
Genre: Horror
Warnings: Rape, humiliation, angst
The saddest puppets are the ones who've opened their eyes and seen their strings..
Silver Dollars:
Key: Banshee Key
Genre: Philosophical
Warnings: Dark
There are many who seek the Banshee Key and for many reasons.
Key: Death Key
Genre: Philosophical
A week in the life of the Death Key.
Key: Naga Key
Genre: Horror
Warnings: Dark, hospital/research setting
The Naga Key comes to the Palace.
Key: Naga Key
Genre: Horror
Warnings: Stalking.
Doctor Phinease Thomson likes snakes.
Key: Naga Key
Genre: Horror
Painting pictures.
copyright Watase Yuu
Seiryu of the Opera:
Genre: Crossover Parody
Parings: Various. Het/Yaoi
One of the first fanfics I did that I'm actually willing to show to people. The cast of FY does the Phantom of the Opera, and everything goes to hell.
Part 1
Part 2
It's all Relative:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Tomo x OMC
Warning: Light Incest
Notes: FY takes place in China, but I'm studying Japanese, so all of the foreign (i.e. not English) words are the Japanese versions. Also, I know nothing about the history of the region.
Tomo was abandoned as a child. He knows nothing of his real family, until a surprising night encounter.
copyright Sunrise, Bandai
Slowly Bleeding:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: ?x1
After the war, Heero's looking for something. It turns out, he's not alone.
W.I.P. D is for Duo:
Genre: Crossover Horror
Pairing: Various.
NOte: I know nothing about New York or police protocall and I suck at action sequences. Don't expect too much accuracy here.
A crossover between Gundam Wing and Pet Shop of Horrors. Deep in the heart of New York's Chinatown, there is a pet shop. Enter, if you dare.
Devil went Down...:
Genre: Light Occult
Pairing: 13+4
Extra: A few SquareSoft Cameos
Originally done for GW Legends. Coming home late from a party one night, Quatre Raberba Winner winds up making the bet of his life. Based on Devil went Down to Georgia.
Genre: Parody
Pairing: 2xH, 1x5, RxN, 4x6
A challenge put out by Lina-san. Duo's life is suddenly turned upside down when the other pilots suddenly kidnap him.
Genre: Parody
Pairing: 1x2
Warning: I honestly can't say without giving away the fic, but give it a PG13 rating.
Notes: No, I was not reading Calvin and Hobbs at the time.
An alien explorer sets out to investigate a strange new world.
MST Everybody Loves Dorothy:
Genre: Parody/MST
Pairing: Dorothy + Everyone
Warning: Goofyness, adult humor
Note: Yes, I the author's permission to do this one. Yes, I'm MSTing a parody. And yes, despite the fact this is a GW fic, my fellow MSTers are two FY characters.
Kashu Arashi, Nuriko, and Tomo go to the theater.
Only the Best:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Quatre + Relena
Warnings: Slight spoilers for end of series and Endless Waltz
The politician and the buisiness man at work.
Genre: Comedy
Pairing: Trowa + WuFei
Warnings: Slight spoilers for Endless Waltz
WuFei is tired. Trowa notices.
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Trowa x Catharine
Warnings: I spit on Episode 0!
Trowa does some research.
Child of the Gods:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: None
Warnings: Nose cola, gender bending,refrences to mensturation. Not for the easily squicked
Notes: There may be more to this eventually, but for now, it's finished.
Heero comes to Sally with a mysterious health problem.
copyright Yasuko Aoike
A Home for the Holidays:
Genre: Light Romance
Pairing: Dorian + James
For once, the stingy bug gets Dorian something other than cheap cake.
W.I.P. Eroica the Gay Blade:
Genre: Cross over Parody
Pairings: Various
With a bit of help from Tyrian, Benedict and Nicholas, the Eroica crew does "Zorro, the Gay Blade". Run for your lives.
Part 1
copyright J.K.Rowling
SPAM! fic: Picture Perfect:
Genre: Parody
Ron and Harry ask the question, "So why
is Professor Snape's hair so greasy?"
What You'll Sorely Miss:
Genre: Light Romance
Pairing: Harry + Ron
Warning: Spoilers for book 4
After the Second Task, Harry finds himself awake and wondering where friendship ends and something else begins.
Out of Reach:
Genre: Philosophic Romance
Pairing: Draco + Snape
Warnings: Mild angst
Draco waxes eloquent on some of the bloody nuisances of being a spoiled brat. What can I say, I was having a snit. #^_^#
Pity on the Snow:
Genre: Horror
Paring: Mentioned Lupin x Black
Warnings: Angst, Gore, Alternate Universe
Notes: Features a blend of American Indian mythologies.
Originally done for Gundam Legends IV. A wilderness survival course goes severely awry with the arrival of a freak blizzard.
Mexican Wrestler:
Genre: Romance
Pairings: Draco + Harry, mentioned Harry x Ron, Draco x Blaise
Warnings: Minor angst, POV
Notes: This will be revised, I'm just being slow about it.
Despite the fact he knows better, Draco's fallen in love with Harry. Pity Mr. Potter's already taken.
Next of Kin:
Genre: Philosophic
Paring: Lucius x Narcissa
Warnings: Spoilers for book 4, Angst, P.O.V., mentioned original character
When the Malfoys meet the Weasleys at the Quidditch World Cup, more is going on in Lucius' head than he's willing to let Arthur know.
Genre: Philosophic
Paring: None
Warnings: Spoilers for book 4, Angst, P.O.V.
Professor Snape waxes eloquent on his hatred of Gryffindors in general, Potters in particular.
Genre: Fluff
Paring: Viktor+Hermione
Warnings: Spoilers for book 4
Notes: Inspired by the Veela Inc. short-short challenge, "Your favorite couple has broken up. Get them back together in 100 words or less."
Viktor tells Hermione he doesn't want to date anymore. She takes it poorly.
Thirteen Years After:
Genre: Fluff
Paring: Sirius+Remus
Warnings: Spoilers for book 3
Notes: Inspired by the Veela Inc. short-short challenge, "Your favorite couple has broken up. Get them back together in 100 words or less." Also, this takes place after book 4, so it's probably been more like fourteen years, but I doubt the boys are counting.
Sirius shows up at Remus' place.
Genre: Romance
Paring: Snapex?
Warnings: Dark for a short-short, student/teacher relationship
Notes: Inspired by the Veela Inc. short-short challenge, "Your favorite couple has broken up. Get them back together in 100 words or less."
Snape knows that teachers aren't supposed to be intimate with their students. Pity one student doesn't care.
Genre: Horror
Warnings: Dark
Notes: Originally done for the "First Kill Project"
Synesthasia; the combining of two senses that don't normally go together. If you're human.
Genre: Horror
Paring: Lucius+Narcissa
Warnings: Dark for a short-short, student/teacher relationship
Notes: Originally done for the "First Kill Project"
Someone decided to rat out the Death Eaters.
Reach Out and Smite Somone!:
This is a fic challenge put together by Tigress Pern and I for everyone else who spent most of book two wanting to strangle Gildroy Lockhart. Parody ficlets.
Genre: Philosophical
Pairing: None
Warnings: SPOILERS for book 5, character POV, character death
Notes: This song just seemed to fit this scene...
Thoughts on life and what lies behind the veil.
Own the Guilt:
Genre: Philosphical
Pairing: None
Warnings: SPOILERS for book 5, character POV
One of the closing scenes from an older, more cynical POV.
One Choice:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Umm...none really
Warnings: SPOILERS for book 5, nose cola
Notes: Based off my favorite line in book 5.
The problems with trying to force a fifteen year old girl to date you.
Genre: Philosophical
Pairing: None
Warnings: SPOILERS for book 5, character POV
The power of faith.
Have I been Guilty?:
Genre: Horror
Pairing: None
Warnings: SPOILERS for books 3 & 5, angst
The prisoner in Azkaban.
Doll House:
Genre: Horror
Pairing: None
Warnings: Creepyness, dolls, death, general unpleasantness
Notes: Originally done for Gundam Legends V. "Dolly Malfoy" was the invention of tzigane and Kat.
Sometimes random gifts can become the key to your happyness...and sanity.
W.I.P. Call me Mary:
Genre: Parody/Genre mocking
Pairing: None so far. Eventual Harry + MS and possible others
Warnings: Much Mary Sueness. SPOILERS for book 5
Notes: All foreign languages were translated by Babel Fish. If you want to (hopefully) know what they're saying, go to Babel fish and plug it in. Languages used thus far include French, Finnish, and Swedish.
When her parents are killed in an accident, Maria Suzanna Malfoy is sent to live with her English relatives.
Spot Colour:
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Mentions of Voldemort x ?, ? x ?
Warnings: Angst
Notes: This is a tone and image piece. It's also a mystery. You get to figure out who it's talking about
A Death Eater in mourning.
The Realist’s end to the Chamber of Secrets: the Movie:
Genre: Parody
Pairing: None
Warnings: Cartoonish Death, blatent contempt for the movie
There were many things that I (among others) found horribly WRONG about the basilisk scene. I decided to correct a few.
Man of the House:
Genre: Parody
Pairing: Lucius x Narcissa
Warnings: Mentioned Crossdressing
Notes: Originally done for the Masked and Marked cross dressing challange
Narcissa Black tests her future husband's devotion.
First Time for Everything:
Genre: Dark
Pairing: Lucius x Remus
Warnings: Semi-non-con, language, technical shota
Notes: Done for the First Time Bad Sex fic challenge. It's over a year late.
Lucius makes Remus an offer he had better not refuse.
Pain Tolerance:
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Menstural cycle refrences
Notes: Inspired by the Fuda 100 role reversal challange, but it was the wrong series, so.
Studies of Polyjuice.
Genre: Philosophical
There are somethings we can't do without.
Genre: Dark Romance
Pairings: Godric x Rowena, Salazar + Helga
Notes: I've been meaning to do founder fiction for...awhile now. There will be more eventually.
Even the closest friendships can drift apart.
Not Waving:
Genre: Dark Philosophical
Warnings: Non-standard views of suicide. SPOILERS for book 5.
Notes: No, I'm not going to off myself.
Conversations on the rooftop of 12 Grimauld place.
Genre: Humor
Notes: Based off of "50 things I'm not allowed to do at Hogwarts" by Atalanta Pendragon.
There are some things one just shouldn't ask the Potions Master.
Promises to Keep:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Snape x ?
Warnings: SPOILERS for book 6.
What is Snape risking in this war? That's something only he knows.
When Perfect:
Genre: Dark Philosophical
Warnings: SPOILERS for book 6. Lord Voldemort POV.
Notes: Done for the Battlefields of Slash quote challange, #26
The Dark Lord's concept of perfection. Also, rewrote one, dialogue heavy scene, so there's more borrowed lines than usual. If you've read the book, you'll know them.
Pen and Ink:
Genre: General
Pairing: Blaise x Tom
Warnings: Spoilers, Canon!Blaise, heavy sexual innuendo
Notes: Done as a pairing challange.
Blaise steals a Ginny Weasley's diary, only it's not quite what he expected.
Say No:
Genre: Philosophical
Warnings: Spoilers for book 6.
One might think that Snape has no opinions on the love affairs around him. They'd be wrong.
Genre: Philosophical
Warnings: Spoilers for book 6.
Is it worse to lie to someone and make them happy, or tell the truth and watch them self distruct?
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Spoilers for book 6.
Note: This was part of something Pern and I did to see how two different authors would write the same premis. Ironically the year after this I joined her in the pest control industry.
That's an awfully big rat in that trap!
You Know Who I Am:
Genre: General
Warnings: Spoilers for book 7.
Note: Done for a writing contest.
Japan, Mongolia...they're practically right next to each other. Easy mistake, right?
copyright Matsushita Yoko
Price of Regret:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Tatsumi+Tsuzuki kinda
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 voyurism challange
It's easy to watch someone eat when they eat all the time.
The Price of a Life:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: implied Muraki x Oriya
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 pen pal challange
Tsuzuki's not the only one who can barter to have a candle left burning.
Around the Globe:
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Crossed with - Harry Potter, The Three Musketeers, Phantom of the Opera, The Lost Boys, The Crow, and Ludwig II. All of these are copyright someone else.
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 cross over challange.
The Shinigami watch over Japan. Who watches over the rest of the world?
Breaking Point:
Genre: Dark
Warnings: Blood, gore, death,etc.
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 role reversal challenge.
One kills. One offers moral support.
Season of Death, Season of Endings:
Genre: Dark
Warnings: Character death, but this is YnM. Most of the cast is dead.
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 seasons challenge.
Konoe-san gets a new underling.
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Tsuzuki x The Count (sorta)
Warnings: Slight non-con, but nothing graphic.
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 AU challenge.
What if Tsuzuki had lost a certain contest and had to pay his debts?
W.I.P. Twisted Shadows:
Genre: Dark
Pairing: Muraki x Hisoka, more to come
Warnings: Non-con, general twistedness
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 AU challenge. Grew into a drabble and short-short novel.
Chapter 1 - Vigils and Meetings
Toys: Two Shinigami watch the last days of Tsuzuki Asato.
Eternal Debt: A bargin is struck.
Binding: The partners meet.
Three Years Later: Death is just the begining.
Reaction: The second meeting.
Miscalculation: Death comes when least wanted.
Don't Touch: Hisoka's observations.
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Implied Watari x Tatsumi
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 Pen Pal.
Certain budgets shouldn't be cut.
Tea Party:
Genre: Dark
Warnings: Muraki, dolls
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 intoxication challenge.
A dark tea time of the soul.
Simple Gifts:
Genre: Humor
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 Gift Giving challenge.
If you've ever owned a cat, you will understand...
Binding Shadows:
Genre: Dark
Pairing: Muraki x Tatsumi
Warning: Non-con, blood
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 AU challenge.
If one can curse a thirteen year old boy, what's to stop them from mastering a dead man?
Old Rivals:
Genre: Dark
Pairing: Touda x ?
Warning: Non-con
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 AU challenge.
It's well known that the serpent and unicorn are old rivals. But what if the unicorn, like Lucifer, fell?
Study Break:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Muraki x Watari
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 AU challenge.
A day in the life of University students.
Games in the Dark:
Genre: Drama
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 hobbies challenge.
When there's nothing to entertain us, we must entertain ourselves.
Examination - After Hours:
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Muraki x Tatsumi
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 AU challenge.
Muraki makes examines his secretary to make sure he's healthy.
Employee Benefits:
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Oriya x Muraki
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 AU challenge.
Training for the oldest profession.
Genre: Angst
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 hobbies challenge.
The things we get from our parents.
He'll be a Success:
Genre: Humor
Notes: This is only really funny if you've seen "Little Shop of Horrors".
Saki goes to medical school.
Cage of Candles:
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Watari + Tatsumi, Count + Tsuzuki
Warnings: None.
A week in the House of Candles.
No. 10 Blend:
Genre: General
Pairing: Oriya + Muraki
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 tea challenge.
An ode to my favorite of all teas - Murchie's No. 10 Blend.
No. 22 Blend:
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Tatsumi + Watari
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 tea challenge.
An ode to the first tea in reach when I woke up in Watari's possition.
Secret Valentine:
Genre: Horror
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 tea challenge.
Hisoka's given some special tea for Valentine's Day.
Morning Tea:
Genre: General
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 tea challenge.
Tatsumi's morning routine.
True Love:
Genre: Dark Humor
Pairing: Muraki x Oriya
Notes: Originally done for the Fuda_100 love challenge.
As we age, our views change, including our views of love.
Genre: Horror
Pairing: Muraki x Hisoka
Warnings: Spoilers, angst, sexual overtones
Notes: Done as a pairing challange.
The only way to keep a spirit from leaving for the afterlife is to anchor it.
Companion in the Light:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Wadson + Count
Notes: Originally done for a Fuda_100 challenge, I forget which one.
Unrequited love is a bitch.
copyright Natsuki Takaya
Cracked Glass:
Genre: Dark
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Warnings: Spoilers, theory on Akito
In any conversation there are at least two sides - the spoken words and the unspoken ones.
Genre: Dark
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Warnings: Spoilers, theory on Akito & Kyo
Notes: Italics are actual manga quotes
Once upon a time, there were two boys...
Just Play:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Shigure x Ayame
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Warnings: SMUT.
Shigure and Ayame are masters of hiding in plain sight.
Just Breathe:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Arisa x Saki
Warnings: Yuri. For once.
Notes: Done for 30_lemons, pairing Arisa x Saki. Theme - doctor.
Arisa hates allergies. Fortunately Saki knows the remedy.
While Sirius Watches - a passionate story of love in the moonlight:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Arisa x Saki
Warnings: Sex. Voyerism.
Notes: Done for 30_lemons, pairing Arisa x Saki. Theme - audience.
Shigure goes looking for inspiration, and boy does he find it.
Operation Utter Humiliation:
Genre: General
Pairing: Arisa x Saki
Warnings: The Prince Yuki Fanclub!
Notes: Done for 30_lemons, pairing Arisa x Saki. Theme - gymnasium.
The P.Y.F.C. has come up with the ultimate plan to reveal Arisa and Saki's steamy locker room rendevous to the world! Feel fear!
Baskin Robbins - 31 decisions:
Genre: General
Pairing: Kyo + Yuki + Tohru
Notes: Done as a challange/present.
Never ever take Tohru for icecream.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Spoilers
Notes: Done as a challange/present.
Birds fly. Akito watches.
copyright Gaston Lerox
Good Boy:
Genre: General
Notes: Short-short done for a song quote challenge. More based on Susuan Kay's "Phantom" than the original.
A demon child growing up in a Christian world.
Beneath my Skin:
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Erik x Raul
Warnings: Dark. Masturbation. Hints of non-con.
Notes: Done for 30_lemons. Theme - masturbation.
Missed oportunities fuel dark fantasies.
Miss the Tide:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Raul x Christine
Warnings: Naughty suggestions about sailors.
Notes: Done for 30_lemons, pairing Erik x Raoul. Theme - uniform.
Raoul's about to set to sea...if he can make his boat.
Death Stood Behind:
Genre: General
Warnings: Suggestive imagery. No sex, but much sexuality.
Notes: Done for 30_lemons, pairing Erik x Raoul. Theme - harem.
It's the adventures of childhood that follow through our entire lives.
Orpheus' Love Song:
Genre: Dark Romance
Warnings: Non-con, drugs, alternate ending.
Notes: Done for 30_lemons, pairing Erik x Raoul. Theme - sex, drugs, rock n' role.
Erik releases his claim on Christine, but not without a price.
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Smut.
Notes: Done for 30_lemons, pairing Erik x Raoul. Theme - the audience, denial.
All Raoul wants is to enjoy a nice night at the opera. Such a pity a certain voice won't leave him alone.
copyright Nintendo
Tales of Lyra:
co-written with Mayura Nacht
Welcome to Lyra:
Genre: General
Notes: Written soley by Mayura.
There's a new girl in town!
Purple Rain:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Prince x Pierce
Warnings: Slash, coco, fluff
Notes: Originally done for the Social Reject's Corner line challange.
Prince hates storms..
Tales of Avon on Stratford:
Genre: General
When you're just gettling settled in a town, change can be quite a shock.
Genre: General
Warnings: Fluff, sap
Notes: The first of a set of POV pieces exploring Avon's humans.
The words 'pink' and 'Kitty' go together, don't they?
Piano in the Dark:
Genre: General
Notes: The second of the POV pieces.
Raven and one of his first loves.
Genre: humor
Some are born blue, some achieve blueness, others have blueness thrust upon them.
Ghost Hunter:
Genre: humor
The mission - catch five lost spirits in four hours. It can't be that hard, can it?
copyright SquareEnix
A Matter of Taste:
Genre: General
Warnings: Mild spoilers, language, Hojo
Joe's little sister has a new boyfriend every week. This week's model leaves something to be desired...
Thursday Night, Six PM:
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Tifa x ???
Warnings: Post Advent Children
Thursday nights at 7th Heaven are pretty routine, but even minor shifts can have a huge impact.
Gambling Man:
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Joe x Vincent
Warnings: Smut, original characters, more smut
Cid's a great guy, but if he doesn't stop making off the wall bets with pissy jockeys, Cloud and Vincent might just have to kill him.
Live Dangerously:
Genre: Philosophical
Pairing: Reno + Reeve, sort of
Warnings: Spoilers for the game
Is the world a good place or a glorified slum? It depends on where you're looking from.
Genre: General
Pairing: Tseng + Aerith
Warnings: Spoilers for the game
Some girls never listen.
Between Here and Victory:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: None
Warnings: Spoilers for the game
Notes: I have an unfortunate habit of forgetting Joe's actual introduction to the game...
Say hello to your stumbling block.
Chocolate Valentine:
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Reno x Vincent
Warnings: Spoilers for the game
Notes: Done for the Valentine's Day Challenge on "Crack Whores"
It's Vincent's day and Reno wants to celebrate! Pity Vincent's not the party type.
copyright SquareEnix
Genre: Humor
The best way to introduce yourself to new party members is by messing with their heads.
Don't Misunderstand:
Genre: General
Warnings: Spoilers
Notes: This assumes that Shadow was never actually married.
Sometimes an aloof, emotionless exterior hides a sensitive, caring interior...and sometimes it just hides an aloof, emotionless one.
copyright SquareEnix and Disney
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Minor spoilers, Mary Sue
Notes: My first and most contraversial.
It's called Organization XIII for a reason.
Someone's Lullaby:
Genre: General
Warnings: Spoilers
A chance meeting between nobody and somebody.
Not Quite:
Genre: General
Warnings: Mild spoilers
Notes: Originally done for kh_drabble's "Close to You" challange. Plays with some of my personal nobody theories.
When are you not yourself?
Blaze of Glory:
Genre: General
Warnings: Spoilers
Notes: Crossover with Sky High.
Not all heros are invincible.
Genre: Humor
Warnings: Mild spoilers
Notes: Pre-game Organization fic.
Sometimes it pays to ask your guineapigs to volunteer.
You're Not:
Genre: Humor
Notes: Originally done for kh_drabble's "Mother" challange. Danny and Catherine are based off the closing narrative to the Nightmare Before Christmas OST.
Sometimes you don't need to be a mother to act like one.
Fungus Among Us:
Genre: Humor
Notes: Originally done for kh_drabble's "Sidequests" challange. Sequel to "You're Not".
Adventures in baby sitting.
Rumors Told By Shadows:
Genre: Dark
Pairing: None
Warnings: Spoilers for the game
Notes: Done for Gundam Legends
‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
copyright Whoever Runs the Adoptable
A Strange Cup Of Tea:
Genre: Humor
Adoptable: Tea Cup Bunnies
Warnings: None
Notes: Done for Writing Challange
...that's an odd flavour...
Adventure, Ho!:
Genre: General
Adoptable: The Gryphs
Warnings: None
Notes: Done for Writing Challange
Seek and yea' shall find.
Conspiracy Theory:
Genre: General
Adoptable: The Lupine
Warnings: None
Notes: Done for the Chinese Zodiac Writing Challange
There are parts of the legend no one knows.
copyright Whoever Wrote the Series
Snowed In:
Genre: Romance
Fandom: Fake
Pairing: Dee x Ryo
A snow storm leaves Ryo stranded with Dee and a bunch of memories.
Pain of Living:
Genre: Psychological Horror
Fandom: Trigun.
Pairing: ? x Vash
Warnings: Slight Spoilers, NCS
There are more levels of pain than most people think. content.
Talking with Davey:
Genre: Philosophical
Fandom: Pirates of the Carribean
Warnings: Spoilers, character POV
Answering the age old question of, so what DOES happen when you drop an undead pirate in the ocean anyway?
Genre: Humor
Fandom: My Little Pony
Pairing: Salty x Barnacle
Warnings: It's not graphic, but it's MLP slash for crying out loud!
Notes: Originally done for Gundam Legends VI. I'm so going to Hell for this one...Also! Spot the "Labyrinth" reference!
Trick or treating is fun...usually. And ignorance? That's bliss.
There's no place like home